Health Aide Needed!
over 1 year ago, Jeffrey Sandlian
Health Aide Needed
Brooklyn had perfect attendance! This is an amazing accomplishment! Great job Brooklyn and thank you to the family for making education a priority!
over 1 year ago, Jeffrey Sandlian
Perfect Attendance
Our next "Let's Have a Conversation" event will be held on April 5th from 7:15am-8:30am at the Sundowner Restaurant. Please feel free to drop by and enjoy breakfast and conversation. If you have questions you'd like us to prepare to answer at this meeting, you can ask those here:
almost 2 years ago, Lindsey Cox
Title VI would like to invite our native students and families to our Title VI pasta and paint night. Come join us from 530pm to 830pm at Riverton Middle School. We will serve Chicken Alfredo and have a follow along paint instructional led by Darious Tillman. We can only accept the first 50 participants so please rsvp to Tianna Wagon: or Kyle Quiroz: . We hope to see you there."
almost 2 years ago, Lindsey Cox
Paint and Pasta
We are seeking input from the parents of FCSD#25 elementary students regarding a change to our grading periods at the elementary level. Thank you for your time responding to the survey.
almost 2 years ago, Lindsey Cox
Rescheduled event
almost 2 years ago, Lindsey Cox
Event Postponed
almost 2 years ago, Lindsey Cox
SNOW DAY - FCSD #25 will NOT have school tomorrow, January 3, 2023.
about 2 years ago, Jodi Ibach
Snow Day written in snow
Thank you to the City of Riverton for getting our crosswalks repainted for the start of our school year! You rock!
over 2 years ago, Jeffrey Sandlian
From Supt. Flanagan We are aware that some parents have received phone calls and text messages regarding student absences. We are testing a new system for this fall and some messages were sent out inadvertently. We apologize for the inconvenience and are rectifying the issue. Thank you for your patience as we work through this process in order to have it working accurately when school starts.
over 2 years ago, Jeffrey Sandlian
We put approximately 90 letters in the mail today to let students know who their teacher is this year. Get your registration completed and your student’s letter will be on the way! If you need help, call the school at 856-9495 between 8:00-3:00 and we are happy to help!
over 2 years ago, Jeffrey Sandlian
The Riverton Bus Garage will be having their school bus roundup (student/parent) orientation on Wednesday August 17, 2022 from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. Due to construction we ask you to enter from the South Gate off of Spruce St.
over 2 years ago, Lindsey Cox
Great picture of the hot air balloon over Jackson on our last visit n the office. Have a wonderful summer!
over 2 years ago, Jeffrey Sandlian
We can't believe it is the last day of school, but here it is! Please remember that we dismiss at 12:35 today. If you pick up your child, please be on time as the entire staff will be leaving to attend the end of year celebration. Have a great summer!
over 2 years ago, Jeffrey Sandlian
4th quarter readers got some extra time in the sun with music, popsicles, bubbles and chalk! They had a great time!
over 2 years ago, Jeffrey Sandlian
4 square
4 square
Our newest (almost) Jaguars! We had a great time this morning getting to know them and seeing their smiling faces!
over 2 years ago, Jeffrey Sandlian
It’s going to be colder tomorrow. Please send your child with a coat.
over 2 years ago, Jeffrey Sandlian
We will be leaving Jackson Elementary at 8:15 tomorrow to go to CWC for the RHS musical. Any student not here on time will stay behind at school until we return around 11:30. Please be on time.
over 2 years ago, Jeffrey Sandlian
Phones are working again! Thank you tech for responding so quickly!
over 2 years ago, Jeffrey Sandlian
We just had a switch go down that caused us to lose phones and internet. I will let you know when we are back up and running. Thank you
over 2 years ago, Jeffrey Sandlian